Rtryland's Blog

Just another set of randomness…

The True Human Condition.

Go day to you all! However many of you readers there actually are.

I used to wonder and worry about such things. Then I realized what the hell do I care. I used to expect things from others, I used to worry about my impact on them. Instead of just worrying about myself I concerned my mind with the troubles and emotions of others and depended on them in turn to make me happy. This was a bad choice. What happened was that once those people decided they had better things do to than talk to me, I fell apart.

That is a true problem with human evolution. Why in the world have we been preprogrammed to require existence with OTHERS in order to be sane and happy?
Aren’t there plenty other species of animals that exist in complete solitude and never once have issue with it? When I refer to the human condition I mean everything about humanity. Our need for contact with others, our need to wage war and kill, or wants and desires that everyone struggles to get what the want before everyone else. It’s all pathetic. Humans at times are no more than a pack of sniveling wild dogs that step on, bite, scratch and claw their ways over each other. And for what: for money, for power, for sex? What horrible pursuits those are if the cost is friends and love.

Love. Yet another predisposed human situation we are all destined to experience at some point in our lives. Many have said, "It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all." I am not so sure this is so. Loving someone and truly loving them, only to have something tear them away from you is an awful experience. I completely agree that being in love is something all should experience but the idea that we must lose it in the end is so terrible, so dreadful that I’m not sure the joy is worth the pain. 

Dependence has a similar outlook to me as love. What good is it to depend on others when at some point those people might promise to catch you only to let you fall. I have depended on others in recent years, I have thought those people would protect me, watch out for what was good for me and NEVER put me in harms way. About some of them I was correct and yet about others I have never been more wrong. It always seems those close to you are the ones that betray your love and trust first. When this happens, it is very hard for a man to keep going on. It seems much easier to just lay down and quit like everyone else.

However, I say to the world…"I am a Ryland and I am NOT THE LAST." My family motto was something until very recently I did not understand. "Not The Last"… I get it now. It means to me that one must always pick themselves up and try again so that I the carrier of my family’s name can make another so all Rylands will continue to live on in the legacy and memories of the Living.

The human condition may be weak at times but often in the worst of times we see in ourselves our true potential, our true purpose and we ultimately toward that end soldier on.

That’s all I have today.

Goodnight and Good Luck.

03/11/2009 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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